Begin establishing your brand in Japan today

Premium Beverages Marketing provides market-entry services for US craft spirits brands in Japan.  Through a wide range of channels–from trade shows to direct sales, and presentations to spirits distributors–we can get Japanese consumers tasting your spirits, Japanese bartenders serving your spirits, Japanese liquor stores selling your spirits, and–with a great product and a little luck–Japanese distributors moving your spirits by the truck load.

    Scroll down to find out how.

Premium Beverages, Inc., was founded in 2012 with one product and a lot of gumption. In the first two years, we spent 70% of our startup capital on product and the remaining cash making all our mistakes. With no more startup capital to burn, we had to find the most efficient ways to promote and generate sales to keep the company afloat. We have packaged all that knowledge and experience into Premium Beverages Marketing to do the same for your brand at a fraction of the cost and time. 

We can support your brand with the following services

Product evaluation: free (well, almost free)

Trade shows: starts at $2500

Magazine advertising: starts at $1000 

Bartender’s association events: starts at $1000 

Sales presentations (to wholesale buyers): $500 per presentation 

Tokyo Whisky and Spirits Contest entry: $500 per SKU 

Online sales placement: starts at $250 per SKU 

Order fulfillment services: request information 

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Want to know more?

Contact us!

Telephone:    81-3-6458-7915